
Articles Posted in Child Custody


Parental Abduction Warning Signs posted an article the other day titled, “Parental Abduction: Here are the Warning Signs.” Although the article discusses issues arising out of Canada the same principals apply to the States. Some things to consider when there are concerns regarding Parental Abduction: (1) Divorce or separation is “high conflict.” (2)…


What is a Restraining Order

A few days ago I wrote about the Texas Family Law Judge, William Adams, being caught on video beating his daughter. The video showed Judge Adams beating his then 16 year-old daughter, Hilary Adams with a belt. The video has caught the attention of news agencies across the country and…


Texas Judge Beating Disabled Daughter Caught on Tape.

The other day I stumbled upon a disturbing article titled, “Revenge of the disabled daughter: Video of ‘family law judge brutally beating girl’ sweeps web after she posts it on YouTube”. Apparently, 23 year old Hilary Adams recently posted a video on YouTube which showed her father and mother ruthlessly…


Child Obesity and Custody Issues

According to a recent news report, parents are increasingly arguing the issue of child obesity in child custody cases. In many states, including Florida, family courts are often burdened with deciding the rights of parents following a divorce. Couples should figure these terms out on their own, but the court…


What is Parental Alienation Syndrome?

In many of my Jacksonville divorce cases I run into the all to common problem of Parental Alienation Syndrome. defines Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) as “a disorder that arises primarily in the context of child-custody disputes. Its primary manifestation is the child’s campaign of denigration against a parent, a…


Cheating Spouses and Divorce in Jacksonville Florida

Florida is a “no fault” divorce state. This means that either spouse may seek a divorce without showing cause for the desired separation. The spouse seeking a divorce has the option to simply claim the marriage is “irretrievably broken.” Generally, Jacksonville Florida courts are not concerned with which party played…

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