
Articles Posted in Child Support


Millionaire Dead-Beat Dad in Sunshine State

Not far from Jacksonville, Hillsborough County Judge Caroline Tesche is dealing with a “dead-beat dad” who owes approximately $10 million in child and spousal support. ABC News is reporting that Judge Tesche sentenced, “dead beat dad”, John Stanton to five months and 29 days in jail. However, Mr. Stanton avoided…


Paternity: Who are the legal parents?

As a Jacksonville Paternity Lawyer, I often have cases where the parties are not married but they have a child in common. In my experience many men falsely believe simply because their name is on the birth certificate that they are legally the fathers. In Florida this is simply not…


What Should I Do If the Father of My Child is Not Paying His Child Support?

As a Jacksonville Family Law Attorney, I see Fathers habitually and often times Mothers as well, not paying child support ordered by the court. I receive numerous inquires from parents wondering what they can and should do when the other parent is doing just that, not supporting their child or…

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