In a recent article posted on, columnist Sam Cook inducts another man to the Deadbeat Dads Hall of Shame. The article titled, “Deadbeat dad easy to locate, loathe,” describes how Joseph K. Bocchino has evaded paying court ordered child support for the past 30 years. A Jacksonville Child…
Articles Posted in Divorce
False Domestic Violence Accusations
Domestic violence is a serious issue not to be taken lightly. However, it is important not to overlook the possibility of false domestic violence accusations and the consequences they produce. Such accusations can destroy the reputations of the accused and can cause overwhelming legal fees if fought through the courts.…
Family Law Custody: Jacksonville FL.
People often believe that mothers tend to be more nurturing and better caregiver’s than fathers and thus should be the preferred parent in a custody dispute. As a matter of fact, this is a legal concept, termed the Tender Years Doctrine. The Tender Years Doctrine is a legal doctrine in…
Divorce In Florida Is Costly And Emotional a Jacksonville family law attorney, I begin this blog by shaking my head. One thing that continues to amaze me as a Jacksonville, Florida divorce lawyer is how two people who have loved each other so much at one time and who have loved each other enough to create…
Divorce In Florida Can Be Fatal
I am a Jacksonville, Florida family law lawyer and a Jacksonville, Florida criminal law attorney. I specialize in both family and criminal law issues. So often I see the two areas of law overlap especially when divorce in Florida is at issue. Divorce attorneys in Jacksonville, Florida have the difficult…
Where’s My Retirement Share?
Many times after a divorce in Jacksonville, Florida is over, my Jacksonville divorce attorney practice has to divvy up retirement fund proceeds between the parties. As Jacksonville divorce lawyers, we have to be qualified to accomplish this division. This is done through a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO). The QDRO…
Family Law Custody: Orange Park FL
In the past few days reports have surfaced that Padhma Lakshmi, the host of Bravo’s highly popular show Top Chef, is being sued for child custody by venture capitalist Adam Dell, the brother of Dell founder and billionaire Michael Dell. It is being alleged that Mr. Dell, the father of…
Family Law and Custody
When considering moving with a child to a location outside of Florida, or even more than 50 miles away from your current residence within the state, it is important that you go through the courts to ensure that the relocation is legal. Florida has extremely strict laws that govern child…
Child Support and Divorce
Child support is always a sensitive topic. I often deal with parents who want to know exactly where their child support money will be going. They want to control how the parent receiving the child support spends the money. Thus, it is important to know exactly what child support is…
Florida’s Child Abduction Prevention Act
As of Saturday, January 1, 2011, Florida’s Child Abduction Prevention Act became effective. The Act is designed to help those who fear a spouse, ex-spouse or family member will remove their child to a foreign state or country. The Act provides the Florida courts the responsibility to assess risk factors…