What Does Alimony Reform Mean for Florida Residents? Florida law changed on July 1, 2023. Permanent alimony is no more. Alimony can be durational, but it cannot exceed fifty percent of the time a short term marriage has taken place or sixty percent of the length of a moderate term…
Articles Posted in Marriage
Florida Custody by Extended Family Member vs. Guardianship
What is the best fit for a child in your family? There are numerous similarities between Temporary Custody by Extended Family Member and Guardianship, but there are differences, as well. Understanding the differences can be critical in deciding which one fits your situation the best. What is Temporary Custody by…
Do I Need a Domestic Violence Injunction
What is Domestic Violence? Under the Florida Statutes, Domestic Violence is defines as “any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offenses resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another family or…
Do I Need to File for Support Not Connected with Dissolution of Marriage?
What is Support without Dissolution? Section 61.09 allows a married individual to file for support (child support and alimony) where a person does not seek a dissolution. This statute allows a party to seek alimony or child support. However, that party may or may not request the entry of a…
“I signed a Quitclaim deed so I’m not responsible for the mortgage anymore”. That statement is one of the most common mistakes that people make when it comes to Real Estate transactions. Quitclaim deeds are used most often between family members such as an owner of property adding their spouse…
What You Need to Know About Mandatory Disclosure in Florida
How do you and your spouse share the finances? Most married couples have their finances mixed together. For instance, it is not unusual for a married couple to share credit cards, savings and checking accounts, real estate, and other property. When parties go through a dissolution, these finances must be…
Do You Need a Prenuptial Agreement?
What is a Prenuptial Agreement? A prenuptial agreement is a contract between two persons that are contemplating marriage that predetermines how property and other issues are to be dealt with upon divorce. Prenuptial agreements require full disclosure by both parties. This means that each party should be ready and willing…
Do You Need A Prenuptial Agreement?
There may be some negative stereotypes that are associated with Prenuptial Agreements. Typically, neither party wants to detract from the blissful atmosphere typical prior to a wedding. However, a Prenuptial Agreement can also help preserve a marriage. This is because there is certainty as to how things will terminate should…
Litigation After Divorce. Do You Know Your Rights?
It is important to know your rights following a divorce. The final judgment of dissolution and the parenting plan determine the legal playing field for the future. However, most issues are dynamic. Children get older and their schools change and sometimes their relationship with parents change. Incomes change, which can directly impact child support…
In Florida, When Does Child Support End?
For some, child support is an ongoing obligation that holds no light at the end of a long tunnel that can extend over 18 years. Every situation is different and the answer as to when child support will end depends on your individual situation. An experienced North Florida Family Law…