There’s no secret that America has a bit of a weight problem, and Florida is no exception. It seems like every time there’s a slow news week, the news networks run another story about our ever-expanding waistlines. But one aspect of the problem that does not get a whole lot…
Jacksonville Divorce Attorney Blog
Is Your Spouse Hiding Marital Assets During Your Divorce?
A few weeks ago a report came out that Dmitry Rybolovlev, one of the 100 richest people in the world, had been accused of hiding close to $100 million dollars during his divorce. If you are in a situation involving such incredible wealth, you should seriously consider a prenuptial agreement,…
What Is Divorce Like For Indian Women?
As a Jacksonville Beach Divorce Lawyer it is interesting for me to see the stark differences in the divorce laws here in the U.S. and those in India. Such differences are not surprising given the difference in cultural norms and societal expectations in Florida and India. This is not a…
Divorce and Bankruptcy.
As a Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer I deal with other areas of law on a continuous basis. Specifically, I run into issues such as bankruptcy, foreclosure and domestic violence. This is because the clients I represent have a life full of issues, just as everyone else does. Recently, I’ve been dealing…
Who is Responsible for the Mortgage?
As an Orange Park Divorce Lawyer I often hear client’s ask, “If my spouse gets to keep the house in the divorce, can I still be held responsible for the mortgage?” The short answer to this question is, unfortunately, yes. If, in a divorce, one party is granted sole exclusive…
What are Marital Assets?
Whether or not an asset is “marital” or “nonmarital” is often a key issue in a divorce. Marital assets are generally considered jointly owned by both husband and wife, and it is usually up to the court to decide how those assets will be distributed. Nonmarital assets, however, are considered…
Modification of Divorce or Child Support
As a Jacksonville Family Law Attorney, I am often asked whether a child timesharing order can be modified after a divorce. In short, yes, parents can change their timesharing agreement. However, if the parents do not agree about the modification, the standard under Florida Law is often difficult to satisfy.…
My Spouse Cheated! Does it matter in the terms of a Divorce?
Florida is a “no fault” divorce state. This means that either spouse may seek a divorce without showing cause for the desired separation. The petitioning spouse does not have to claim that the other spouse was the cause of the failed marriage. The spouse seeking a divorce has the option…
Alimony in Florida
As a Family Law Attorney in the Jacksonville area I am consistently asked how the courts calculate alimony. This is often a difficult question to answer. In Jacksonville and Florida as a whole there is no specific formula to calculate alimony. Instead, there are factors that Jacksonville courts look to…
Modification of Past Due Child Support
During a Jacksonville divorce, many facets of a couple’s life are controlled by an order of the court. Things like time-sharing for the kids, alimony for a spouse, and distribution of assets. Something a Jacksonville Court cannot control is the way a father chooses to live his life, even if…