In many of my Jacksonville divorce cases I run into the all to common problem of Parental Alienation Syndrome. defines Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) as “a disorder that arises primarily in the context of child-custody disputes. Its primary manifestation is the child’s campaign of denigration against a parent, a…
Jacksonville Divorce Attorney Blog
Family law and Divorce
Jacksonville Divorce, custody and family disputes are highly emotional and important matters that we at Law Office of David M. Goldman take special pride in handling. Regardless of the circumstances, the break up of any marriage involves many legal issues that cannot be overlooked and must be thoroughly researched and…
How Much Alimony should I Get?
When deciding whether to grant alimony in a divorce case, courts in Jacksonville, Florida consider many factors, including the length of the marriage, the spouses’ employment prospects, the age of each party, their standard of living, their marital contributions, their available income and assets, and the fairness of the situation.…
Equitable Distribution: What is Equal?
Whether or not an asset is “marital” or “nonmarital” is often a key issue in a divorce. Marital assets are generally considered jointly owned by both husband and wife, and it is usually up to the court to decide how those assets will be distributed. Nonmarital assets, however, are considered…
Who Gets to Claim the Children for Tax Reasons?
It is tax season yet again and those who have experienced a divorce in Florida may wonder which party can claim the child(ren) on the tax exemption after a divorce. A Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer can create an agreement whereby the parents agree to rotate the tax dependency exemption after a…
Bankruptcy After Divorce
The process of obtaining a divorce can be an expensive process, one that leaves many people in debt and possibly looking to file bankruptcy. Before you make any of these decisions, you should make sure to contact a Jacksonville Divorce Attorney or a Jacksonville Bankruptcy Attorney to discuss your situation…
Is an Annulment Legal in Florida?
Florida marriages can be formally terminated either by divorce or by an annulment. Most everybody knows the basics of divorce, but few people are knowledgeable on the basics of annulments. Annulments in Florida are not governed by statute or rule. Instead, it is a common law action in equity to…
Bill Introduced in California to Deny Violent Abusers from Receiving Alimony from Their Victims
On November 11, 2011 I wrote a blog titled, “Sexual Assault Victim Ordered to Pay Her Attacker Alimony.” In the blog I described how Crystal Harris, a San Diego area resident, was ordered to pay alimony to her ex husband whom was serving time in prison for sexual assault. Worst…
Who’s my Father?
As a Jacksonville Family Law Lawyer, I often have cases where the parties are not married but they have a child in common. In my experience many men falsely believe simply because their name is on the birth certificate that they are legally the fathers. In Florida this is simply…
Am I Entitled to Child Support
A recent study showed that a total of $35 billion in child support is owed all across the US, but only 41% is actually paid. This is down from about 60% in 2009, largely due to the economic downturn over the past several years. One thing many parents behind on…