
Jacksonville Divorce Attorney Blog


Florida House Bill 549

Florida lawmakers like others across the nation are taking the issue of permanent alimony to the legislature. Florida lawmakers are currently considering Bill 549, which would end permanent alimony in the state. Currently, Florida Statute 61.08 reads, “Permanent alimony may be awarded to provide for the needs and necessities of…


How Do I Reduce My Monthly Alimony Payments?

Florida recognizes four main types of alimony. (1) Bridge-the-Gap (2) Rehabilitative (3) Durational (4) Permanent These types of alimony differ in whether they are modifiable and if so in what ways. However, as a Jacksonville Family Law Lawyer, I usually run into cases where Former Husbands want to reduce the…


Millionaire Dead-Beat Dad in Sunshine State

Not far from Jacksonville, Hillsborough County Judge Caroline Tesche is dealing with a “dead-beat dad” who owes approximately $10 million in child and spousal support. ABC News is reporting that Judge Tesche sentenced, “dead beat dad”, John Stanton to five months and 29 days in jail. However, Mr. Stanton avoided…


Parental Abduction Warning Signs posted an article the other day titled, “Parental Abduction: Here are the Warning Signs.” Although the article discusses issues arising out of Canada the same principals apply to the States. Some things to consider when there are concerns regarding Parental Abduction: (1) Divorce or separation is “high conflict.” (2)…

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