Many individuals who are served with petitions for injunctions go at it alone and attempt to defend the injunctions in court without an attorney. The question I often see is “should I just defend the injunction on my own?” There are many issues that could potentially arise without the help of a knowledgable Jacksonville Family Law attorney.
An injunction can have effects that go further than requiring you to stay away from a particular person. Many times injunctions can affect a person’s work and family life, too. If you are facing a party that is represented by a knowledgable attorney you stand a low chance of overcoming a well-written injunction petition or having your petition granted if you are the petitioning party. Furthermore, a knowledgeable attorney can take advantage of the rules of evidence, something many “pro-se” individuals (people who are not represented by an attorney) have little expertise in. By doing so an attorney can take advantage of the pro-se parties lack of knowledge in the rules of evidence and prevent them from getting much of any testimony presented to the judge. I personally see this happen on a regular basis in injunction court.
The best advice is not to look over such a disadvantage, especially in a matter that can have so many repercussions for an individual. If you are the subject of an injunction petition, looking to file a petition for injunction, or are facing an impending family law matter in general, contact a Jacksonville Family Law attorney to represent you.
Call Law Office of David M. Goldman (904) 685-1200 to schedule a free consultation today!